
quarta-feira, 19 de junho de 2013

Um texto à procura de um tradutor

OPERAÇÃO MEMÓRIA: O que dizem os "outros", dentro da Tradição? É preciso acompanhar o que "dizem de nós", como prudência, porque é uma oportunidade de alertarmos o espírito que dorme... Este texto é de abril de 2008. Parece que esse vai e vem nas intenções de dom Fellay já era percebido "fora" da FSSPX...

April 25 - St. Mark, Evangelist - Greater Litanies
Double Feast of the Second Class
Complete Friday Abstinence

SSPX Superior General Bernie Fellay Announces that He Is Following TRADITIO's Recommendations
Now He Will Not Sign a Letter of Capitulation to Benedict-Ratzinger
From: The Fathers

Bernie Fellay, Superior General of the Society of St. Pius X
Tells Benedict-Ratzinger: "No Deal"
Fellay Admits that the TRADITIO Network Was Correct from the Beginning
In Urging Him Not to Sell out to Benedict-Ratzinger and His New Order
"Nothing Has Changed in the Will of Newrome to Follow the [Vatican II] Council"
"We Cannot Sign an Agreement," He Declares

On April 14, 2008, the SSPX's Superior General, Bernie Fellay, announced through the Society's press agency that after over two years' reflection, he now agrees with the TRADITIO Fathers and will not sign a letter of capitulation to Benedict-Ratzinger and his New Order. Since Benedict-Ratzinger's August 29, 2005, "Beheading" Meeting with Fellay, the TRADITIO Network has been almost the only consistent voice that has pointed to the duplicity and hoax of Benedict-Ratzinger's effort to get Fellay to sell out to the New Order.

For over two years now, Fellay has resisted our prudent advice to stay entirely way from the Newchurch of the New Order and has even tried to intimidate the TRADITIO Network by attacking TRADITIO's independent traditional Catholic voice and getting his henchmen to attack us as well -- just as he attacks even his own clergy and membership who disagree with him. Nevertheless, we remained firm in the traditional Catholic Faith and didn't let schoolyard bullies intimidate us. Fellay has now told the world that the TRADITIO Network was right all along and that he was the one deceived by Newrome.

Now Fellay himself has become the target of attacks. In his coverage of the announcement, Reuters' religion editor termed Fellay and his members "rebels." It also took note of the fact that Benedict-Ratzinger on his US junket spurned any appearance of traditional Catholicism: "The Masses [sic] were in post-Council style, in English with him facing the congregation, and most music was modern as well."

Now Fellay has apparently changed his pro-sellout tune and admitted that "all changes introduced at the Council and in the post-Conciliar reforms, which we denounce because the Church has already condemned them, are confirmed" in Benedict-Ratzinger's New Order. Fellay went on to state: "It is necessary to conclude that nothing has changed in the will of [New]rome to follow the Conciliar orientations, despite forty years of crisis, despite the deserted convents, the abandoned rectories, the empty churches."

Fellay then declared that the Society of St. Pius X "cannot sign an agreement" with Benedict-Ratzinger and his New Order. "We observe that the time for an agreement has not yet come.... It would be very imprudent and hasty to thrust ourselves unwisely in pursuit of a practical agreement which would not be founded upon the fundamental principles of the Church, particularly on the Faith."

Good Catholics, although we TRADITIO Fathers are happy to see that Fellay has finally seen the wisdom of our rejection of any sellout to Benedict-Ratzinger and his New Order, we lament the fact that Fellay took over two years to come finally to this conclusion that was obvious to us from the beginning. This delay has been the cause of great dissent within the Society and of numerous members leaving the SSPX during these two years. But we warn you that Fellay has a history of wavering on the question of a sellout to Newrome, so we take his current statement very much cum grano salis for the time being. Moreover, Fellay needs to address other issues with his administration of the Society, to renounce his autocratic and dictatorial behavior toward SSPX clergy and laity, which has earned him the moniker within the Society of "Little Hitler."