
sábado, 7 de julho de 2012

Mons. de Mallerais sobre o Concílio Vaticano II

Sermão de Mons. Tissier de Mallerais, 

nas Ordenações de Winona (EUA)

Em inglês. Muito interessante, fala e explica, entre outras coisas, por que o CVII não poderia ter tido a assistência do Espírito Santo. Se alguém se oferecer para traduzir, agradeceria, meu Inglês não é dos melhores, me permite ler, mas não traduzir.

S.E.R. Bernard Tissier de Mallerais
Bispo da FSSPX
Sermon by Bishop Tissier de Mallerais, Ordinations at Winona, Minnesota USA, Friday June 15, 2012.

In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.

Dear district superior, dear rector of the seminary, dear confreres in priesthood, dear ordinands, dear faithful, in this most important Feast of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus Christ, we are performing this ordination. And we may say with Saint John the Apostle in his gospel, “[V]idimus gloriam ejus, [gloriam] quasi unigeniti a Patre plenum gratiae, et veritatis.” We saw his glory – the glory of the Sacred Heart – of the Heart of the only begotten Son of the Father, full of grace and truth. And of His fullness we have all received. Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, full of grace and truth. We are confident in Thee.

Dear future deacons and priests, the grace and the fruit shine in the life of your two models – Saint Stephen and Saint John – Saint Stephen, model of the deacons and Saint John, model of the priests. First of all, Saint Stephen, model of the deacons. He was elected to his office of a deacon, hence to the example of his chastity, for the strength of his profession of faith and for his service of the most holy sacrament of the altar. Cogitate Beatum Stephanum, merito praecipuae castitatis ad officium istud electrum. Think of the Blessed Stephen elected to this office thanks to merit of his principal virtue of chastity. These are the words of the Roman Pontifical.

And the Roman Pontifical explains to the deacons: “…and because you are called ministers and co-workers of the Body and of the Blood of the Lord, so you ought to be enemies of all seductions of the flesh. As Scripture says, ‘Purify yourselves – you that bear the sacred vessels of the Lord.’” But, first of all, the practice of the virtue of chastity commands the future deacons. Let us meditate [on] the strong expression of the Roman Pontifical, Cogitate Beatum Stephanum. Think of Blessed Stephen, most commendable, not only by the virtue of chastity, but also by his participation in the sacred mysteries of the altar.

You are co-ministers and co-operators of the Body and the Blood of the Lord. Strong words – co-ministers, co-workers, co-operators of the Body and the Blood of the Lord. Because you will be able to serve the bishop during the pontifical high mass, you will be able to offer him the chalice, you and the pontiff make together offer the chalice during the offertory. You will be able to expose, publicly, the Blessed Sacrament of the altar and as an extraordinary ministry, you will be able to distribute the Holy Communion. Co-workers of the Blood and the Body of the Lord. What a dignity! What happiness! So close to the Holy Eucharist. So close to the Holy Sacrifice.

“Cogitate Beatum Stephanum” – think of Blessed Stephen, most commendable thanks to the strength of his profession of faith of the divinity of Our Lord Jesus Christ – his profession of the divinity of Jesus in front of the Jews who were ready to stone him for his profession – full of grace and strength – Full of grace and strength! He did great wonders and signs among the people. And the Jews were not able to resist the wisdom and the spirit that spoke by his mouth. But he said, you, stiff necked and uncircumcised in heart and ear, you always resist the Holy Ghost. You always resist the Holy Ghost. As your fathers did, so do you also. Resistance against the Holy Ghost! We think of the Second Vatican Council wishing to introduce the revolution inside the Church and resisting against the Holy Ghost.

And he concluded - Blessed Stephen -, “You! Which of the prophets have you not – have your fathers not persecuted? Which of the prophets have your father[s] not excommunicated – have not stigmatized? Which of your father[s] have not persecuted?” And they have slain them, who foretold of the coming of the Just One of whom you have been now the betrayers and murderers. So, Saint Stephen was full of grace and strength and reproached the Jews for having killed Our Blessed Saviour. And the Acts of the Apostles said – had, had the following sentence: But he, Stephen, being full of the Holy Ghost, looking up steadfastly to heaven saw the Glory of God and Jesus standing on the right hand of God. And he said, “Behold, I see the heavens opened and the Son of God standing on the right hand of God.” And with his words, he was killed; he was stoned dead.

What an admirable example of the gifts of understanding and fortitude, the gifts of intelligence of the faith and of strength in the life of faith for our beloved deacons to be – for our beloved deacons of the Society of Saint Pius X. As deacons, my dear beloved sons, you are ministers of the Church of God who are always ready to fight battles against the enemies in an unceasing struggle. These are the words of the Roman Pontifical describing the Church – the Church always ready to fight battles against the enemies in an unceasing struggle.

These enemies are the modernists and their new religion – a new religion without sin, without contrition, without penance, without forgiveness, without sacrifice, without atonement, without true charity because, dearly beloved, there is no true charity without sacrifice. So against this false religion, the emblem of which is the new mass, dear deacons to be, you will have to denounce the heretical perversity of this new religion – naturalistic religion. A naturalistic religion! And you will have to preach the truth of the sacrifice of expiation of the Calvary and of the sacrifice of propitiation of the Holy Mass.

And now secondly, you dear candidates to the priesthood, your model is the Apostle Saint John. But first, let us hear the admonition of the Bishop according to the Roman Pontificum – “Sacerdotem etenim oportet offerre, benedicere, praeesse, praedicare, et baptizare.” The priest ought to offer, to bless, to preside, to preach and to baptise. The first three functions – to offer, to bless and to preside – are the celebration of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. The priest offers the Divine Victim. The priest blesses the chalice and the host. And the priest presides the celebration, as the only ordained minister. As the only ordained minister, thanks to the character of a special sacrament – Holy Orders, the priest is able to act in the person of Christ, and to do what Christ did – that is to say, to consecrate the Body and the Precious Blood of Our Lord Jesus Christ – making an un-bloody re-enactment of the Sacrifice of the Cross. This wonderful power is described by the Roman Pontifical in the following prayer to God the Father: “May they, as an expression of the submission of thy people, may thy priests, O God, by an immaculate blessing, may they transform the bread and the wine into the Body and the Blood of Thy Son.”

Very simple words! They’re very deep in signification. This immaculate blessing is the prayer of the Canon of the Mass and especially the prayer of the consecration of the Canon, which perform[s] this admirable conversion, or transformation, that is properly called “transubstantiation” according to the Holy Council of Trent. Transubstantiation – that is to say the transformation, miraculous, of the bread into the Body of Christ and of the wine into the Blood of Jesus Christ. So that is your main power – to operate the Transubstantiation by the Canon of the Holy Mass. You have the power to offer, to bless and to preside the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass.

And then two other powers of the priest: to preach and to baptise. Let us speak of baptism. The priest has the power to baptise, that is to say to give sanctifying grace by the sacrament of baptism and also by the sacrament of Penance. Both! The second of which is almost forgotten today in the Church. The sacrament of Penance – forgotten! And the first of which, the baptism, is nowadays twisted – twisted by the new naturalistic religion. Instead of giving the divine life, it is only an inscription as a member of the Church. That is not sufficient. Baptism really destroys Original Sin and pours the sanctifying grace in the soul. That is the Catholic Faith. And so, my dear future priests and deacons, with this new religion you will never compromise. You will never blur the frontal opposition between the religion of the Catholic Church and the religion of what I would call the “new church.” That is no church, but only a poison – a poison in the Church.

I would say with the Roman Pontifical, speaking of Saint Stephen to the deacons – I would say to the priests to be: “Cogitate beatum Joannem.” Let us think of Blessed John the Apostle. Cogitate beatum Joannem. Think of Saint John – the priest par excellence to whom dying Christ commended His Divine Mother, the priest whose Holy Mass the Blessed Virgin Mary attended, the priest from whose hands she received Holy Communion, that is to say, the same Body and Blood which had taken life in her holy womb out of her holy love. What a mystery! What a high dignity of the priests! With what a deep respect would Saint John celebrate the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass.

Saint John seems to be an example of many priestly virtues. Enumerated by the Roman Pontifical: justice, constancy, steadiness, mercy, fortitude and all other virtues. But, do not imagine Saint John as only just, merciful, humble, meek, sweet, gentle, kind, nice, peaceful, prudent, circumspect, quiet, silent, may be charitable. No! He would be an admirable – no, amiable saint. He would be a nice Saint. But that is not Saint John. It is not sufficient. It is not sufficient to describe the soul of Saint John. He was not only the sheep before the Lamb. He also had the wisdom and the cleverness of a snake. And above all, he had the strength and the roar of a lion. The strength and the roar of a lion! That is the true description of Saint John the Apostle.

He was able to have very strong words against the heretics of his times and a steadfast attitude against them – against those who twisted the religion of God made man to the religion of man made God like Pope Paul VI said of the undertaking of the Second Vatican Council. So we would apply to the Council the same words of Saint John struggling against the new religion of man made God instead of the true religion of God made man. Let us read what he wrote in his first Epistle about the new religion of man-made God. It would say the religion of human dignity, the religion of human rights. He says, “Who is a liar but he who denies that Jesus is the Christ? This is antichrist who denies the Father and the Son.”

Those who deny the Incarnation of God, that God truly became a man to save us, and not the contrary, not that the man became God – that is a true religion – the religion of human dignity of human rights. Man becoming God! “No,” says Saint John. Our religion is the religion of God made man – the religion of the Holy Incarnation of God. And Saint John continues, “whosoever denies the Son, the same has not the Father, and he that confessed the Son has the Father also.” That is our attitude – to proclaim the Divinity of Jesus Christ, to proclaim that the Son of God became a man, that He is God and that He is the King.

And like Saint John, dear future priests, do warn our faithful against this new, untraditional religion. As for you, says Saint John, as for you, let that which you have heard from the beginning abide in you. What you have heard since the beginning, let it abide in you. So please conserve the Tradition of the Church. What we received we profess it. As for you, let that, which you have heard from the beginning, abide in you. If that abides in you, which you have heard from the beginning, you also shall abide in the Son and in the Father. These are the strong words of truth of Saint John the Apostle.

Saint John admonishes you, dear priests to be, how to fight against those who deny the Kingship, the social and political Kingship of Our Lord Jesus Christ – the liberals – the liberals who deny that Jesus Christ is God – is the King. Since Saint John already in his epistle – Saint John in his epistle – accused those who disowned Christ, who divided Jesus Christ, those who while accepting His Divinity were denying his Kingship! Yes, they said, “He is God, but He is not a King.” And nowadays, it is the situation in the Church [and] of liberals of the Second Vatican Council. They accept that Jesus Christ is God, but they deny that He is a King! They deny that He ought to reign as a King! So we have to struggle against them.

And I could quote Saint John on the epistle, “every spirit which confesses that Jesus Christ is come – that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh, is of God. I repeat, every spirit which confesses that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh, is of God. And every spirit that disowns Jesus is not of God. “And this is antichrist, of whom we have heard that he comes, and he is now already in the world – terrible world – is antichrist,” already in the world said Saint John since the beginning! What he does, this antichrist – he denies the Kingship of Christ. Nowadays, hence, dear future deacons and future priests, be firmly resolved to preach against those modernists that fill the Holy Mother Church with heresies and sadness and who are destroying the remains of Christendom.

And let us be proud, my dear faithful, to be able to serve to the re-establishment of a true Christendom thanks to the grace of the sacrament of especially of the Holy Mass and thanks to the grace of the priesthood. In no way may the Society of Saint Pius X accept to perform any reconciliation or any compromise with the new religion – this new religion standing from the Second Vatican Council – nor any agreement nor covenant with this sort of “new church” that I described – this “new church” born from the adulterous union between the Church and the Revolution. Archbishop Lefebvre already 30 years ago spoke of this adulterous union performed by the Council between the Church and the Revolution.

This adulterous union has been the principal purpose of the Second Vatican Council according to Gaudium et Spes, No. 11 – this council has the plan to introduce into the Doctrine of the Faith the best matured values of two centuries of Liberalism – the values of two centuries of liberalism – the one that introduced these errors of liberalism into the Doctrine of the Faith. That has been the main purpose of the Second Vatican Council. And so it was impossible that this Council be assisted by the assistance of the Holy Ghost in as much as it applied this bad and perverse intention of introducing the errors of the liberalism into the Doctrine of the Faith. That is impossible! So, this council, in as much as it applied this intention, has no binding obligation – has no authority of teaching. We do not – we do not accept that the council be a true Council.

Let us conclude, my dear faithful and dear deacons and priests to be – let us continue this fight of the Society of Saint Pius X for the Truth of the Faith, especially for the Truth of the Kingship and the Priesthood of Our Lord Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ is God! He is a Priest! He is a King! That is our preaching. That you will preach, my dear priests and deacons. You will preach from the bottom of your heart the Divinity and the Kingship of Our Lord Jesus Christ and His Priesthood, also. May the Blessed Virgin Mary, immaculate in her faith, immaculate and virgin in her faith – may she keep you, dear future priests and deacons, in the holy fight of the Church, "quae semper in procinctu posita, incessabili pugna contra inimicos dimicat." The Church who is always ready to strike – to battle – fights against the enemies in an unceasing struggle – in an unceasing struggle. The fight has been Archbishop Lefebvre’s fight. It is the fight of the Society of Saint Pius X. Let us keep on – let us keep on and continue the mission of our beloved Society of Saint Pius X that has been and will always be to keep and to transmit in the Holy Catholic Church the priesthood of Our Lord Jesus Christ with all its doctrinal purity and with all its missionary charity.

O Most Sacred Heart of Jesus full of grace and truth, we are confident in Thee. Amen.

In the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.

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